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  • in reply to: Passing clouds #436009

    HI Anita. I just added a link from this website and it says This post is awaiting moderation.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435905

    What if you do this exercise (maybe it will help): in one long paragraph let your OCD/ “my brain“, spill out all it has to say, just type it away, don’t censor it. let it tell you all that it thinks and feels about life and people.–I would still say OCD because I have been suffering for so log like 6 years.  

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435878

    You put it up so well.

    OCD is not a friend. Living with OCD is.. living with an enemy. Yes I feel like OCD is my enemy. Its hard to live with all those voices in my head .

    OCD is separating you from yourself (telling you that you are not good enough), and it is separating you from others (telling you that others are not good enough).-This is so true. Its not allowing me to be myself.

    it feels like too much trouble to have friends, too much anxiety, so I understand that the quick solution that comes to mind is to not have friends anymore!-Yeah its exhausting because of my OCD and other factors like inviting them home cooking , cleaning .

    I understand. Possible solutions: make a friend or two who are not Indian? Also: if you could meet a friend for coffee in a coffee place, or for a walk outside, you could have time with a friend without having to cook for them.-lol..its hard for me to meet a non indian because of my social anxiety as I am introverted too. There is vast cultural difference. I dont drink/some and I eat only HALAL food. There isn’t much common thing to do I guess. The other I was  thinking to make friends with the parents of my daughters friends and see how that goes. I want to focus on myself more. Like learning new hobbies or spend more time with myself/family. 

    OCD is an enemy in the ways it affects you, although its intention is good: it is trying to protect you, to help you solve problems.. but it’s misguided, it’s not logical, not sensible, it’s impulsive, it jumps to conclusions. So, it ends up harming you again and again.-This is so apt.

    Earlier, I was ok with people not making me their top priority,(that)  and I accepted the fact people change over time. This time it’s getting hard to accept. I am just filled with anger.“- for a while you were okay with people not making you their top priority.-This is not for a while .This has been happening since childhood. When I look at my past or since I started schooling. There were so many friends who were so close with me in the beginning and they would leave me when they found new friends. I never left angry or obsessed about it. I would just let it go. I am unable to let go of this friend. I dont know why I am obsessed about her. Its so annoying.

    I guess that whenever you feel that you are others’ low priority, you get (naturally) angry, and sort-of demand (at least in your own mind) that they make you their top priority, trying to over-compensate your hurt feelings.–This is so true. I just imagine my having conversation like demanding that person in my head like how we used to be best buddies and we always hung out together. I did it once during Jan. I politely told her I felt ignored by her or like how our friendship has changed. She started blaming us that we didnt invite her which is not the case. I think there is no point in asking this time because she would get defensive. I have to accept the fact she has changed. 


    in reply to: Passing clouds #435872

    Earlier I am ok with people not making me thier top priority and I accepted the fact people change over time. This time its getting hard to accept.I am just filled with anger

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435871

    On top of that. I expect alot from people I guess. I expect them to make me thier top priority friend.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435869

    Based on my my experience some indian friends are emotionally draining. If i have to make new friends i have to invite thier families to home and cook food for them. I feel like making friends is physically and emotionally draining and I dont have time for the it.But I am scared pf being alone.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435867

    It feels my brain is seeking validation from other others. My self worth is defined by others.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435866

    I am doing this. But still my thoughts havent stopped. Do you think this is OCD ? OCD always told me that I am never good enough. Now its saying that my friend has hurt me and she is not good enough. Like all the obsessive thoughts wont stop. I will be left all alone by this friend(lets call A). I have another close friend apart from my neighbor and let her name as B. Lets name the person who has hurt me as by ignoring me as C. Even B invited C to her home and she invited me too. B doesnt know about the things happened between me and A. I told her what has happend  and I rejected her invite politely. Now my brain is worried that B will get close to C and her group just like A did. They all will get close and I will be left with no friends. I dont want friends anymore. Before my daughter was born I used to enjoy my time alone at home and with my husband. I used to have zero friends and that never bothered me. I started making for the sake of my daughter and got used to it. Now it feels life without friends is empty.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435834

    Hey Anita.. I did practice what you said. I tried to deal it with empathy because i will still have resentment towards her forever. I believe my friend is still a good human and she cares about me. She came to airport to pick us, cooked breakfast and lunch on the day we landed. She still cares about me. Its just the way to we use to hang out has changed. My anxiety has calmed a bit. I want to forgive her for my own peace of mind. She is going through  alot already. She has financial and health issues. I was doing ok during the day. But at night my brain started fighting again like how my friend treats me, she is taking advantage of me. I had these racing thoughts and headache. I dont know why I want to forgive her and move on. But my brain is trying to tell me she is hurting by enjoying with other group.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435802

    Hey Anita…I am here again with a new obsession. I know I spoke about this friend in the past.She is my neighbor like how we used be so close before going out together as always.Now she is with a friend who has hurt me in the past.Now she has a group of friends.Now she is really having a good with her new group of friends.My mind cannot stop  obsessing about how she has changed.She hangs out more with them now.I just have two friends the neighbor and the other friend.Sometimes i am jealous of her hanging out with such large group of people.I know she still cares about me. But the jealousy and fear is overpowering.I want to let go and still be friends with her because my daughter and her daughter are best friends.I dont want to ruin thier friendshi.But its still hard to accept the fact how my friend has changed.The NEW her.She is close with a friend who has hurt me in the past.She has her own set of friends whom i dont like.It feels like we have grown apart but i still have to put a happy face when i meet her because she is my neighbor.I get jealous or get triggered when she hangs out with other friends without me.How do I tackle these feelings/emotions instead of running away from it.I want to let go of this hurt.When i was in India I didnt have to think about all this shit because my mother is like my best friend.Now i have to maintain these frienships  because I am in a different country.That makes feel like going back to India.lol.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435747

    You too.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435740

    Thanks for the advice Anita. I will take it one day at a time.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435706

    I dont talk to people at my work. I am the quiet person in the whole team. But on the other hand i want to take up challenges and lead the team but anxiety is stopping me to achieve all the the things i want.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435705

    Hey Anita.. Thanks for checking. I am feeling bit better now. Its just I am frustrated with my job. Like I said before I am not satisfied with my job. I did tell my manager about taking new challenges. He promised me that new project will start soon and that will be challenging. But when I came back form vacation everything has changed. My manager will be still working on the existing project and i will be left with little amount of work. That just made me angry. Its been two years I dont see any growth in my career. I want to try a new job. But it would be hard for me to go through the interview process again because of my social anxiety. I want to take up new job and excel in my career but I am unable to do so because of my anxiety. It just sucks.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #435664

    Thats what i told my brain. I will handle the anxiety when time comes.Everythibg feels so mundane.I am getting irritated alot easily.Since last year i noticed that i am getting angry easily.On top of that its gettibg hard to handle my stubborn kid who says no to everything.I am not happy with my current job.Everything is a trigger for me now.I just feel like a failure.

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