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i also did a free angel reading on ask-angels.com. The daily angelic inspiration told me to Choose myself, that i was worth it and i should cultivate love. for the angel card i drew archangel ramaela which is the angel of joy. also today i did a meditation for joy and i kept hearing a voice in my mind that kept saying joy and focus on your inner child and i got a vision of an angel in pink and myself inside a rainbow. i get the intuitive feeling that archangel ramaela and archangel raphael are my guardian angels b/c i often see and feel pink and green light around me. also i remember once wearing a necklace with an angel of joy when i was young. i was radiating with divine light in my aura and i had mental clarity. i am getting more and more dreams of me spreading positive light by combining spirituality, science and math to help the world. in all my dreams, i am dressed in pure white in garments like a nun and i am lighting candles to brighten dark corners. i also see myself leaving my physical body, disengaging from all the things that hold me back and becoming part of the heavens. i realize it doesn’t matter if i am alone out in nature and never raise a family b/c i have experienced a oneness, a divine love that is so beautiful and unconditional that i am okay whatever happens in life. i may be another mother teresa or gandhi.