
Reply To: Too Criticizing of Myself

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thanks a lot arthorgirl;) good luck with your profession as a journalist;) One of my favorite quotes is “You can be the candle or you can be the mirror that reflects it.”~Unknown. You are a candle helping light the way for others. I agree that in today’s society we focus more on money and emotions when we should be working on helping build community. I also enjoy writing as well especially quotes and poetry. I would like to someday post them on a social media site and help spread positivity. I also enjoy pushing myself working on the new puzzles of me, finding out new ways to be more positive and deepen my relationship with the divine. There is a technique a practice when people around me are negative, I imagine a mirror and I imagine the negative energy being reflected from its course into the ground to be dissolved. I agree at times since I also feel two-dimensional like many people don’t see the many sides of me, but they only see what’s on the surface and don’t see beyond into the backdrop. It’s like a drawing on a paper which seems limited, but I try not to set limits within the lines and see all the space that I can cover and shed light upon. I don’t really care much for jewelry and I only keep a watch to keep on schedule, but I rarely glance at it. Most of the time, I just rely on my intuition. I think true power isn’t money, fame, athleticism or beauty; it’s the ability to see the star that is within you and let it shine for others. I don’t mind fame and money when it is used to help others and doesn’t seem too selfish or shallow. I think I am learning more and being more accepting of myself, when I feel doubt I remind myself that I am a spiritual being with a purpose and not just an insignificant physical being. When I meditate I allow the divine to enter into me and tell myself “I am living for the divine and that’s what counts.” There are so many people in this world that set limitations on themselves even through their religion that they forget that God, higher power, etc. are supposed to be loving and encompassing, not one that limits people from experiencing who they truly are. I find that society sometimes puts limits on gender and women often make less than men, but I am working on transcending all of the negative conventions of society. To me it doesn’t matter what race, gender, ethnicity or religion you have, what matters is that you live your life in happiness and you help others.

I agree, anita that an inner bully sometimes criticizes me. i have an online class with a teacher who is helping me learn more on how to empower myself. whatever happens that inner critic doesn’t stay with me for long before i manage to pretend that I am air and I am my soul and all the earth of my physical negativities drop away and are dissolved within the ground. my teacher tells me that the critics don’t live the life i live, so i shouldn’t listen to them. She said “Pay them no mind unless what they say is true. Pay them no mind since they do not help you and only cage your soul.” also i have read that stress and negativity only bring more of it and i realize i want to work on a positive life. i am also learning how to stand up for myself more and use humor to defend myself at times, other times i just ignore people. She has been teaching us psychic protection such as grounding, cleansing and also emanating a positive vibration like a bubble around your aura.