
Reply To: Rejected and feeling like dying

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My opinion is that he was still suffering because of his last relationship as he told you and showed you. Maybe he was trying to heal by having a relationship with you. He was still hurt and had this fear of not wanting to lose you but it wasn’t really about you here. It’s about his past. He wanted to heal by trying to be close to you and let you in, because somehow he felt like he could resolve his issue of being hurt with you, but he couldn’t. And because he was in that state of hurt he thought that he could make it go away by being with someone else, ’cause by himself he couldn’t do it, it was too much. The thing is you can’t heal your past hurts by being with someone else… He wasn’t completely there, his heart wasn’t complete, he wasn’t complete, he was broken and he still is. Even though everything was perfect, the truth is he saw in you a chance to heal (which was completely wrong). He didn’t give you his heart, he gave you his fears. Those weren’t feelings from him… just fears. Next time you should be careful, and never hope for a real relationship with someone who is broken and not healed.