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Gigi, we are all spirits wearing overcoats.
There is a ‘magic’ out there, and it is very big. My spiritual experiences have shown quite clearly that ‘The Source’, commonly known as God/Holy Spirit/Great Spirit is too big to be bound by one religion. The experiences started out as a ‘mental vision’ of Christ, then pointers or signposts were given alluding to Bacchus/Dionysus, then Odin (kept ‘popping up’ on Wednesdays) and Freya (‘The Lady’/’Our Lady’) Goddess Kali and Shiva/Krishna and then Neptune and Vesta, the fleur-de-lys and the trident. I discovered that the latter is associated with God/The Trinity, and is shared and revered by the ancient Roman religion, Hinduism and Buddhism alike. I also had a dream in which I was holding the Torah. I get the very strong feeling that ‘The Source’ does not like me retreating too far into my own faith (Catholicism) but prefers me to remain open-minded and open-hearted. All these spiritual figures are the same God.
I believe God has a very good sense of humour, and because I am a musician, He often tries to communicate by putting songs in my head! But there are no orders or commands. In fact, it is very difficult to get anything out of Him in that respect.
‘Many rivers, one ocean’, as I believe the Chinese saying goes.
Best wishes.