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i enjoy working with the elderly ever since ninth grade community service at the nursing homes. i like helping them with crafts and it makes me appreciate my life more just by helping them with the simple things. i like alex b/c he is a quick thinker and also quite simplistic in his decisions. i find that when i’m taking notes from my ap biology book, i write more info between 3-6 pages of notes, but when i type and organize them, it turns out to be 1-3 pages. it’s b/c when i read, i pay attention to a lot of the details and when i type i do a general overview. anyway as the story progresses, patsy gets less respect from alex and the others b/c she becomes a bit bossy when she wants ivan to add a codicil in his will to include her since she isn’t satisfied with just acquiring the brewery. she starts to be manipulative of those who seem a bit insecure such as surtees benchmark (her husband) and ivan himself trying to persuade him to let her take the financial matters into her hands and leave alex out of it. patsy is a bit jealous of alex b/c he is only a stepson and also just a painter, yet ivan wants alex to help with his financial things. also patsy meddles with oliver grantchester who is ivan’s dominant lawyer to ask him if he can change the codicil so she can help with the financial things, but it doesn’t succeed. alex believes that if the golden cup falls into desmond finch’s hands he may give it to patsy and they will sell ivan’s possession to rid themselves of the brewery’s debts. he also hires Young and Uttley a private detective to keep an eye on surtees since he believes suretees has a grudge against him since his stepfather gave him the privilege to hide the golden cup. ivan does add a codicil to his will and alex helps him, but patsy hasn’t found out yet. also desmond finch (chief advisor of the brewery and second to ivan who was once the financial advisor) doesn’t approve of alex either.