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the cool thing i learned is that most of the time our cells debilitate as we age is the lack of oxygen and it can be healed. there is a 55% case study that people who don’t undergo chemotherapy or other after treatments (when their disease is pretty much gone) live for 12 years longer and experience no relapse/ remission while the others who undergo treatment have an year. oxygen helps the body defend against radiation. all the laundry detergents have ‘oxy-something’ which means that they clean with oxygen. oxygen therapies have been known to boost the immune system in the production of white blood cells (slowing apoptosis: cell death). oxygen can break down synthetic toxins (carcinogens cause cancer) in your body (catabolic reactions) much like metabolism reminds me of ATP and oxygen being the last electron acceptor of H ions forming water. i think the buffer in blood works this way to keep a solution balanced at 7.4 and the H ions are neither too much or too little. oxygen also increases antioxidants which slow the aging process preventing the breakdown of collagen and reducing wrinkles. it also fights cancer cells with the production of ‘inferon.’
This is reminding me of positive feedback where oxygen increases to inhibit something else sometimes enzymes will do that to so it prevents an excess of that product or the enzyme will close its active sites.
now that i’ve got started on enzymes i feel as if they remind me of an inner bully analogy. enzymes will bind to a substrate that is similar to the substance that needs to be carried into the cell. enzymes lower the energy activation required to perform cellular work so they are known as biological catalysts. anyway, enzymes have a competitive inhibition which binds to the active site and prevents the enzyme from getting the substance it needs (usually when this happens there are more enzymes in the cell, so it’s okay or the enzyme starts producing more of a substance to overpower the competitor). this is like the inner bully which latches on to you and tries to close the door for you to achieving your dreams. in order to defeat the inner bully, you must produce more happy thoughts (substrate) and surround yourself with positive people (more enzymes). there is also non-competitive inhibition which the molecule that is like a substrate backstabs the enzyme and latches on somewhere else onto the enzyme not the active site. this denatures the enzyme’s shape and often prevents it from carrying out its function. there are eight major themes of biology and one of them is: structure and function are related. the core theme is evolution. i think i can fill a whole book with my knowledge;) anyway, back to oxygen therapy, the reason why it’s not popular is that it isn’t profitable. the drugs only treat the symptoms and not the cause, they don’t help the whole cell in healing, they only cure it. healing comes from a latin word meaning to make whole. i also know a bit of latin b/c it’s cool.
sorry if it sounds like i’m rambling. when i discover how sciences relate, i go all over the place;)

Did you know that there is a thing called hermaphrodites? they can mate with either female or male since they have both parts. some also can do asexual reproduction. some common ones are snails, clown fish (including 21 other species of fish can also be) and some worms like earthworms.
oysters can change their gender at will. Science rules!

from the people’s chemist, oxysolution, animal.mom.me and my own knowledge.