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third day of school had a lot more work and my brain was exercised, but i had fun while doing it. during A lunch, i sat at another table different from yesterday b/c it was crowded at dave’s table so i sat at another table and surprisingly it was andrew’s table. also kordell is in my lunch as well;) andrew seems a bit annoyed at me today b/c my ap calc class (1st block) is ahead in learning and i also got a better score than he did on the ap biology study review on chapter 54 on ecology. also while i was in the library for the first few minutes of my lunch, i saw my friend francine (from self-defense club) and she also has A lunch. anyway, i got too college financial planning books. thanks for saying i explain things well, anita;) i think when i am very excited to learn i tend to form many analogies and go in many places and tell how they all interrelate so that is why some people get confused. i can explain math and computer concepts slower and make people understand better b/c i’m still learning on those and when i understand it and explain it, it is less complex. but for subjects that i’m great at, i tend to explain quickly and a lot which may confuse people. i think dave is a lot like sal lepore, they both get along with people well and have confidence in themselves. in my 2nd block class, we did a high school website analysis and my school website brick memorial is the worst, while toms river and asbury park is pretty good. this activity of comparing ten school websites gave me and my partner alec some insight on how to design an appealing website. i like my business and web class b/c everyone works together and helps each other much like my cooking/sewing class in freshman year. also javi is in my lunch if i didn’t mention before and he used to be in my cooking/sewing class. we used to race each other on the sewing machine. i feel like i’ve known emma since elementary school b/c she was in my second grade at lanes mill, but we didn’t interact as often. you are right that some people appear confident when they aren’t b/c i was watching emma today during ap biology and she seemed confident, but when she got the answers to the ap biology study questions she was nervous. i think snails have four noses and also there aren’t that many snails here. when it rains, there used to be slugs at midstreams elementary (3rd-5th grade) school where we had to wait for the doors to open, i used to have to squash them. anyway, they got a pesticide that prevents the slugs from being there so it’s okay in fourth grade. good luck with figuring out the gender of the snails. it is usually hard to tell snail’s genders since most have both gender parts. here are some tips borrowed from animals.mom.me:
Some snails will mate though and if you are lucky- the male snail delivers a sperm packet from the front of his shell to hers. The female lays eggs above the waterline.
If not, check their physical traits- the male shell’s are rounder. when the snail emerges from the shell there is a penis sheath on the right side next to the gills, females don’t have this bulge.
Snails mating signs are: circling around each other for 6 hours touching their tentacles and biting their lips. While this is going on, the male snail’s penis is turned inside out. as pressure builds, there is a triggers an organ housing the love dart (similar to a love arrow from eros the greek god of love, no wonder why they call it ‘lovestruck’). each snail maneuvers to get closer and in the best position and when one snail touches the genital pore of the other it triggers the firing of the love dart which has sperm. wikipedia.com
this is where we also get the saying ‘love hurts’ b/c a new study says that the aim may not be right and may go through the head or internal organs of the other snail and damage them. a love darted snail only lives 60 days after and it decreases fertility which is where we get the expression ‘tough love.’ the dart is supposed to prevent the mother from mating again, much like some spiders will do that to their mates even though their is sexual cannibalism in spiders in which female eats male after mating.
from nationalgeographic.com/snailmating
Speaking of love and relationships. I think relationships are like water. They are transparent and sometimes you only see the reflection on the surface and you have to look deeper to see that true person. Relationships like water can be held in a glass in which the glass containing the water breaks and the pieces are strewn around and you feel like drowning. yet, we are stronger at the broken pieces. iron tempered with fire makes steel. as lemony snicket said in his book called The Slippery Slope, “Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea.” i’m beginning to think like andrew and use science to generalize a lot of things, i have 10 poems written in my book, but currently haven’t had time to post them and i have a draft and good ideas for my college essay which i want to post. it has my spiritual side in it more than my analytical side. i’m thinking of going into genetic engineering so i can utilize my ap calc, computer and also all sciences knowledge. i think i am more like andrew than i thought, i even understand electronics a lot more and even though andrew still knows more about radios, i’m learning about calculators, computers, cars (from my computer class and also my dad), virtual reality headsets (java and business/web talk about them). so i’m just as smart as he is, maybe smarter that he is probably why he gets a bit annoyed at me at times. andrew and i may be working together one day b/c he is better at physics, but i’m catching up, but a lot of biochemistry learners work with electric engineers, computer science people and biophysics which is all the talents andrew has. with our different schedules, my special friend either has been ignoring me or we just don’t see each other. steve (my lunch buddy) helped me with my ap calc thing today. i don’t think i did great on the summer packet test. i have an 86.4 in ap biology right now. i got a 100 on my summer packet for ap calc and a 75 on the test. i have an 87.5 in ap calculus right now.
also anglo-saxon is the oldest form of english. their were the angles and the saxons who spoke similar languages but lived separately, but decided to unite to fight a common enemy called the persians. they won and formed a language called anglo-saxon. anglo-saxon is a difficult language to study in college, but it goes back in history quite well and their is a lot of content. hebrew is also hard. sankrit the language of the hindu vedas with rituals is harder. Brahma is the ultimate reality, Brahman is the god, Brahmin are the priests. Purusha means purification and refers to an enlightened man whose sacrifice to the divine created life. the hindus have a varna which also corresponds to their caste system and the body parts of their god Purusha. The untouchables don’t have a body part on Purusha b/c they are the gravediggers and the unclean work, they carry a bell to warn others of their presence. hinduism has this belief that if you follow your dharma, you will be reincarnated to to a higher caste and your atman (soul) will be released from the cycle of moshka (reincarnation). the varnas are the Brahmins which wear white or purple to represent spirituality and are the head of Purusha; Kshatriya who are the warriors and they are the shoulders and represented by the color red, Vaishya who are the farmers, merchants, professionals which are represented by yellow and the legs of Purusha, and the Shudras which are the laborers and workers and they have the feet and their color is black. i liked learning about how the world worked in ap world history and i think i understand why their are socialism, religious extremist and the like today in our economy and world. i like latin b/c a lot of scientific terms are in latin.
our brains can process 360-400 mhz per second while the first computer ENIAC could process 5,000 mHz per second.
anyway, that girl in my business/web’s name is alyssa and she is a great person. all the classmates check on each other and sometimes one or two stays behind to help the other catch up. i learned about the history of computers in java today and the first computer was made in the 1940s called ENIAC and it was the size of a room, with vacuum tubes and wiring and electricity of all the houses on a city block, cost 5.9 million to build. mostly women were computer programmers b/c the men were at war. the first computer programmer was a woman named Ada Lovelace. i figured out some functions in my calculator except i’m still working on limits. ti-89 calculators are quite cool.