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so i like my ap calc class and the way the teacher is rolling into topics. he makes it seem a lot less complicated and also makes the class fun and interesting. we just finished limits and are getting an overview of some theorems such as intermediate value theorem which states that a function cannot skip values. we are learning more about how to look at a graph and find the values, to graph equations and also to work with vertical and horizontal asymptotes of trig functions. i met with my guidance counselor today on college planning and she advised me to retake the SATs so i could be eligible for NJSTARS at ocean county college since my gpa and academic scores are good. so i’m retaking them on nov. 5. i am enjoying my classes this semester, the teachers are great. i had to switch my business/web to u.s history II b/c it was a requirement to take 2 years of u.s. history, but i like the teacher. i did the switch today during fourth block, java. the only thing i miss is that my business/web development class had lots of fun people in it, but i think i can always visit them again during passing time between blocks. nick in my former business/web class has a great sense of humor and he and sal both play football. sal has a great sense of confidence in himself and i want to be like him, while nick’s laid-back humor makes everyone smile. they were both helping me answer jeopardy questions on the computer in 2nd block business/web development (only for today, tomorrow 2nd block will be u.s. history). alyssa in my former business and web class let me borrow her cylinder gum package so i could pretend i was a protein being wrapped in a chaperonin. a chaperonin is a thing that is like a cylinder with a top that opens and the protein falls into it and once it is folded correctly the top opens and the protein is let out. so i was pretending to be a protein as part of a play during 2nd block and i was describing how a protein is folded to carry out specific functions and it was quite entertaining. so during fourth block was when i went to guidance and did the college and schedule things. my java teacher is my former geometry honors teacher from sophomore year and she is great. she also wrote a letter of recommendation for me. i missed some class time talking to the counselor about college, but she caught me up and said that i could take the open-note test tomorrow. ray (smart and great sense of humor) who is in my java and ap calc class was telling me about all the fun teachers he had. he like me enjoys laid-back teachers even if they teach hard subjects. my ap biology teacher (3rd block) is great, he has a great sense of humor and he explains things really well and makes great analogies to real-life situations. anyway, i saw my former lunch buddy and francine today after school for 15 minutes and we said hi to each other. i have a lot of clubs this year and i am enjoying them. i have academic challenge (explains why i was doing jeopardy 2nd block) mostly on mondays (has been mostly board meetings) and i am recording secretary so i take notes and send a copy of the schedule to the teacher. we also meet on thursdays sometimes as well. i also have garden club on thursdays so i alternate. all the clubs started this week. i have lead and seed on wednesday and it is a drug prevention program. i have art club on tuesdays and community service so i alternate those as well. i went to the art club meeting today and it was really fun. andrew and i were talking during the last 15 minutes of ap biology we struck up a conversation about voodou, zombies and celtic human sacrifices (wall street journal newspaper article on voodou in court rooms). we were both laughing and discussing various topics of religion. he waited for me after the bell rang and he seemed really interested in talking about the subject. when the art club members were all scattered and planning different things, wilson was standing in the corner sort of lonely. i met a friend and we had fun saying that the river rocks looked like potatoes (art club members will paint the rocks and sell them). one of the rocks was exactly like a potato, the other was like the color of a red kidney bean and the other looked like a smushed, cooked potato. anyway my friend and i were talking it over and thinking it would be fun to play a prank on someone with the rocks and pretend it is a potato. anyway, wilson overheard us and began to explain his knowledge on potatoes and how the red kidney bean looking potato rock was probably an irish red potato and how the cooked potato looking rock was an irish folklore potato. anyway, my friend and i went up to one of the art teachers and asked her if she would like a potato, she knew it was a rock so she declined, but she shared in our humor. my friend saw wilson standing there and decided to offer him the potato looking rock, the art teacher joined in the joke and us three were saying “look it’s a potato.” of course wilson knew it was a rock. but i asked him “how do you know, it’s a great tasting potato.” the art teacher supported the joke and said “come try it.” my friend gave the potato rock to andrew and andrew (sorry i switched back to andrew again, i’m just not used to calling him wilson) pretended to take a bite out of it and all four of us started laughing. anyway, after that my friend put the potato rocks in order from red potato rock, potato rock to cooked potato rock while andrew and i watched and we were both smiling.
wilson told me that he was an elf one time for art club when they helped people paint pictures, he helped carry the paint around and it was cute. he is really good at ap biology and also we get along well in that class. the dog, hanson that helps the girl in the wheelchair is a great dog and wilson (switched back to wilson) is really good with that dog. they are so cute together such as when wilson pets the dog and massages the dog’s legs. he is really good with dogs and i love dogs, hanson is a really well-behaved and cute dog. the dog yawned at wilson and wilson smiled and it was so cute. i want to go to garden club tomorrow and see andrew (a.k.a wilson) and nick (from my former business/web class starting tomorrow, that is if he joins), but i also will have to alternate with academic challenge. the ap biology teacher goes a max of 2-3 chapters per week with 60 pages of info and lots of drawings, but i really like biology and andrew is great at explaining biology. i also am staying after friday for art club to help paint those river rocks and i need a composition book for academic challenge by thurs.