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i agree that the inner bully is your own worst enemy b/c it sees the things you can’t hide. here are some song lyrics that describe the inner bully from Pink’s “Please Don’t Leave Me.” the inner bully is only a coward that hides in darkness and emanates the shadowy outline of what you might be, but it isn’t really who you truly are. when you shine the light on the shadow, the darkness fades and the inner bully screeches “aah! don’t leave me!” but you are happy to turn the flashlight to an even higher power to melt that inner bully. i have begun to use a sense of humor to attack the inner bully and have been drawing comics with the inner bully being kryptonite and trying to weaken superman’s powers. the comics make me laugh and undermine the inner bully. so here are part of the lyrics: “I don’t know if I can yell any louder. Or how many times I’ve kicked you outta here. Or said something insulting. I can be so mean when I wanna be. I’m capable of really anything. I can cut you into pieces.” The inner bully yells its insults trying to kick my true self out into the dumps so it can act like it’s an amazing thing, but what it really does is cut you into pieces. Yet we are stronger at the broken parts. I wrote a poem called “Stronger at the Broken Pieces: A Story of Loss and Gain” and I will post it soon.