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Hey Anita,
I found the Tiny Buddha page today and after reading some of the posts, wanted to share. This sharing is difficult for me because I haven’t fully put my truth into words, to myself much less to others, yet but hopefully, this will be a part in my healing process. So here it goes:
Last October I almost died. When I woke in the critical care unit of the hospital, I was scared, to the core of my being scared. I realized so much in very little time: my life must change, how I think about myself, my beliefs, and my world must change, and also that I will carry a reminder of just how fragile life is with me every day, in my body, for the rest of my life.
For many years prior, I had already felt that there is more to a quality life. By that I mean the richness and fullness that comes from inner peace, happiness, love, understanding, knowledge, giving of yourself and an ongoing sense of wonder and exploration. Over the past year, I have spent time searching myself, holding a mirror to my being and coming to terms with where I am in perspective to where I want to be in my soul’s journey. I feel an sense of urgency to have the courage to change what I can and learn what is just outside of my current understanding. Peace and forgiveness are two areas that I struggle with even now.
If you or anyone else reading this would like to share authors, teachers, books or online material that impacted their life’s journey, it would be most welcomed.
Although nerve wracking, I do feel better after putting my plight into words. Thank you and Tiny Buddha for giving me a space to vocalize!