
Reply To: A Different Perspective on Personal Mastery?

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Kevin it’s good to see your posts once again. They are refreshing in that they invite me to challenge my current way of thinking, as does your current post. Keep on posting’ my friend.

As I answer your question, I do so with what I believe, even though I will continually ponder the question(s). For me, it is not a personal mastery focused on myself OR my impact on others. For me the two have a strong bond in that for me to be focused on others, to make a positive impact on others, I must be engage in personal mastery for myself. I am constantly reminding myself to be good and do good. The more I can focus on personal mastery the better I can be toward others.

I don’t think that when I add a community perspective, that it takes on more importance vis à vis a personal mastery.  For me to add a community perspective my intentions and motivations, which are derived from my personal mastery, must be regarded as being equally important. I do better face to face with this type of question…

The way I motivate myself to keep growing in personal mastery is that I don’t lose sight of the fact that I don’t embrace the way “things used to be” which includes never being satisfied with sameness with myself, with the way I used to be. I cannot learn and grow if I am not motivated to forever be involved with being a better person. I am always catching myself telling someone, ” I am not better than you, or her. I am better than the way I used to be.”

Not sure if I interpreted your questions correctly. But I do appreciate them just the same.
