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Dear Ayrton,
You have a lot of replies to sift through but they are all thoughtful and true. You put far too much pressure on yourself and it is choking you out. The more you focus on “What is my thing?!” the farther away form it you become. It is like holding it in your hand, clenching your fist and gripping it so hard that it cuts into you, while a world of possibilities lay all around you for you to pick up and try.
Everyone is the same when they die. Famous or not, we all end up in the ground, returned to Mother Earth, our energy that we borrowed, rightfully back in the hands of whatever driving force you believe in. The things we do for ourselves today, reverberate into the world around us. This is how you can change the world, Ayrton. Be confident in change and do WHATEVER you seem even remotely interested in. Hockey, Hot-air balloons, Painting hot-air balloons, swimming, climbing, candle-making, locksmithing, acrobatics, yoga, giving people hugs, putting on street-side shows, wood working, gardening, WHATEVER! And when you find out you kind of don’t like that thing, don’t despair at not finding your “thing” just do another thing! You got this, man.
Personally, I can’t respect a person who is trying to be somebody else. Be Ayrton, not Ayrton Senna.