
Reply To: Moving on from a cheating, narcissistic ex

HomeForumsRelationshipsMoving on from a cheating, narcissistic exReply To: Moving on from a cheating, narcissistic ex

Miss Healing


My therapist suggested me to do the following: fold a sheet of paper in two parts, in one side write the qualities// attitudes// how he made u feel  when he was with you and in the other side write the same but how is he right now? Ex. in the left side write “he used to make me feel loved and secure” and in the right side “he is making feel anxious, angry and depressed”…

You’ll see which side weights more; it’s a way you can see objectively that the one you love is not longer here. Sometimes when we are in a relationship, unconsciously, we adapt our values or attitudes to fit with the other part…when we are alone, is when we our true-self comes out. So, the cheater, the cold…is what he really is.

I hope you get better, much love

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Miss Healing.