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Except that she never pointed to her daughters being sad. Didn’t see, doesn’t see or doesn’t care.
What a concept! Someone who is so quick to judge and point out – oh the dog looks sad- that neighborhood looks sad- that person looks sad- NEVER saw her own daughters being sad. In fact last year when I was in India I was struggling in front of their eyes- and all they would do is talk about how much injustice they’ve dealt with.
Today I got numerous texts from My father. (my husband and I both receiving them simultaneously). They were those screenshots of quotes that some people send around. Some of which say are on a site such as tiny Buddha. One he sent was : happiness is from within not from the outside.
Now why in the world are you sending this to us both at 10 AM on a Sunday. Because you’re sensing some distance – and want to push push. You know no boundaries. No respect. You had children so they could be indebted to you for life. You didn’t think ever what you were imprinted in their brains. By nature of providing them food and basic support you’re a good parents. Now they owe you their energy and souls.
I didn’t see before that this is untrue. That humans have rights and culture or not, Indian or not, this is unjust. You can send me quotes for days sure. But do you think after a year of torturing us. Calling my husband and his family and cursing at them. Calling me and telling me my dad is having chest pain just to provoke me when it wasn’t even true. (mind you my father is a medical doctor with a true history of heart disease) so this is not taken lightly. You think that sending me some silly quotes, or in fact Bo Harding our text message inboxes with such, today will make all that is erased? Well I don’t see myself as one to hold grudges. But those are not grudge s – those are your true character. You showed it and I saw the truth. I will never unsee it and now I see more and more each day.