
Reply To: Update on my never ending stressful relationship

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Dear Soul-searcher:

You can go MIA anytime you need to, here and be back when you choose. Regarding anger and aggression, my input today:

it is natural to feel anger and we can’t help experiencing any and all the emotions that we experience. It happens automatically and without our choosing. So it is okay for you to feel angry and it is  okay for him to feel angry.

How we feel shows at times on our face, in our body posture, in the tone of our voice and it shows before we know that it does. It is also not a matter of our choosing. Therefore it is okay to sound angry, to have that tone of voice and be somewhat abrupt.

But it is not okay to continue on and on to use an angry tone of voice (not once you figure it is being used) and it is not okay to say anything that comes to mind. Once aware of the expression of our anger, choice comes into play.
