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That is very true. That’s how I’m perceiving it. It seems more as if she’s mad in more of a selfish manner than being the supportive sister that I truly deserve. I was in very very bad abuse marriage for 8 years of my life (together with him a total of 12 years). I am now happy and healthy and I am in a very loving relationship. I do know that it is best for me to move and for my son. My son needs stability and he adores my boyfriend and my boyfriends son. We are very happy with the decision and almoste very one else is except for my sister. She just reacted in a way that really shocks and hurts me.
She is a my way or the highway type person………. that is true. I’ve always had to re-arrange my life/schedule to fit hers. That’s been a never ending thing. IF for example you cannot make a family event or she needs something from me at that exact moment and I have other plans or for whatever reason can’t attend, she reacts with anger and will instantly cut me out and make passive aggressive comments to me.
I’ve helped her with her wedding thus far, I honestly don’t think it’s the stress of the wedding. Everything is done… we are just waiting on the day to come at this time.