
Reply To: Friendship fading

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Hi Anita,
Yes, you could have a point there. Not so much about disrespecting me, but more about knowing I won’t be annoyed at her plan to cancel me. I met with her yesterday & nothing really was said, & as the meet went on I felt a bit of my tension release .. she did say how sorry she was for not remembering we were meeting, & gave me alternative dates to meet, so that was good. She said sorry for not bringing my birthday card, I said it’s a bit late now & we joked about the fact she can give me it next year.

Hi Inky,
There is a big age difference & whilst I’ve never seen that as a problem I think you have a point where you say of her treating me as a kid as opposed to someone more her age. Yes I get the kid part. My sister has 3 & I don’t see them as much as maybe I should, but for me, sitting in a park with screaming kids isn’t my idea of fun. I don’t have kids yet, I don’t plan on it for a few years, & she knows that so I guess she doesn’t invite me round cos she doesn’t want me to be bored, knows it’s not my idea of a ‘fun time’. I have adapted the way I look at it, & think I just felt a bit upset about it – hence why I wrote here I guess. I have asked her to message me the dates she is available she will wait for those & make plans going forward.
I feel like I’m always texting, do you think I should pull back or is that a little immature?