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I think I have meaningful conversations with my friends. My family tends to just talk badly about people rather than talking kindly about others, which is hard for me to deal with.
My boyfriend confided in telling me that I am always negative, and it is hard for him to stay positive and talk to me when I’m rude/negative/giving an attitude towards him, he was very emotional about this an actually cried. I understand that I am that way, it is something I’ve always struggled with and I realize that the past 4 months I have probably been more negative since we are more apart and I am under high stress trying to finish my degree while balancing out all other life stressors. I understand now that for him he is trying to be positive about our situation while I am just nagging/focusing in on negatives/not appreciating the positive. Am I doing this because I am just a negative person or is it because I really am unhappy with him? I know that is a hard thing for you to answer but I am having a hard time differentiating…?