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I have had a bad experience where family is concerned. I had a full blown spontaneous and unbidden Kundalini awakening in which I could (and still can) feel invisible beings around me. I got scared and tried to tell my family about it but they called me a liar. I also went to my parish priest about it on three separate occasions but he too wouldn’t believe me, and as a result I now have a deeply ingrained Cassandra Complex. I now just try to ignore it, keep it secret and live as normal life as I can. No doubt you will probably think I have some sort of mental problem, in which case you’ll prove my point about closed minds, so thanks. Lots of things have happened: I have done spontaneous and unbidden kriyas and mudras at night, have had things enter my consciousness which referenced Pagan gods (Diana of Ephesus certainly put a lot of effort in to make herself known), I seem to get anxious on or around a full moon, and regularly have waves of energy flowing through me. But as to what it is all about, I haven’t a clue . So yeah, I have issues.