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I feel he probably feels like if he were to go through this part of his life alone it would be alot easier. He feels strongest alone. Although i bring so much positive benefits to our life he still feels pressured by his need to provide and i can imagine how scary it must be for him because our life together requires him to step up and be a man and he has never needed to provide, protect and take care of anyone other than himself. He was very selfish and single minded before he fell inlove with me, and everytime he has come to face a failure in his career it has made him question everything he is as a man and that resulted in the 2 breaks we had over the 2 years 7 months of us dating. Hes career is the most important thing to him as it is to alot of men, a career gives them a sense of purpose , security to provide and competent status, I only learned that recently and it makes great sense to why hes so affected by his career. He trains everyday and is exhausted everyday but he spends what free time he has with me and sometimes he isnt in the best of moods and he just kinda looks to be left alone to be in his own head. We useto be crazy inlove and life was simple, we went on romantic dates and spoke on the phone everyday. We knew how serious we felt about each other. He at times became very distant and i became very insecure but we always made it through the difficult times. He knew he could not provide for me if we were to get serious regardless if i could provide for myself, a man does not feel like a man if he is unable to provide and contribute. So thats my dilemma, he is seeking to reach the security of being able to take care of his woman and possibly a family one day so he is very busy and trying all sorts of ways to bring security within himself and financially. Learning what drives a man has help greatly with understanding my complicated relationship. It was very difficult bringing peace to my heart when he kept changing the reasons for the break One moment its that he needs to figure himself out, the next is that he cant be so settled right now and then he blamed it on lust issues…. he was very indecisive whether he wanted to be with me or not. All that time he was going through a low and he just wallowed away at home with no ambition… that all came from his inability to provide and lack of security as a man, he felt incompetent in more ways than one. I demanded his love and effort but he was so down in the gutter he felt like a failure and wanted to do nothing. I became angry and resentful and he become resentful because i could not understand his pathetic behavior and he could understand why he could not get out of that dark place until he had enough and needed a fresh start… which resulted in his heartless 3 months of our break.