
Reply To: Sex life. I want more experiences but I am too shy.

HomeForumsRelationshipsSex life. I want more experiences but I am too shy.Reply To: Sex life. I want more experiences but I am too shy.


Hey, Robi! Massive thanks for the response!

My emotions tend to go in waves. I was in a bit of a lowpoint when I was writing my message. I completely acknowledge that my problems are fairly small, there are days when my problems feel unbearable and immense.

When I got my job, my satisfaction towards life increased only momentarily. I wouldn’t say that my happiness dramatically increased because of getting a job. I still felt unsatisfied for not having relationships.

One huge source of happiness for me is my spiritual path. 2500 years ago the enlightened Buddha taught that suffering is caused by our desires. My desire to have sexual and “romantic” relationships has certainly caused me a lot of unhappiness. Even if my life is nearly perfect in all other ways.

You are in a hard spot right now, trying to find yourself. Don’t beat yourself up and do allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. My feelings of loneliness tend to go away when I hang out with friends or I talk to my relatives, so you talking to your parents is a good practice.

Go outside every once in a while, try different hobbies and activities and give things a chance, even if you don’t know you will like them.