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New update:
So, My ex boyfriend recently told me he loves me and that he realized he loved me when i walked out the door but because he wasn’t doing well himself he wasn’t sure if he could trust it but now he knows (he never told me while we were dating, but through his actions i always knew he did). We broke up because we were both just unhappy, we couldn’t figure out how we became unhappy or what got us there, we still loved eachother, it just wasn’t working for who knows why. It’s been about 3 months.
We talked about things, and we both have feelings, we both care and want to be in each other’s lives, but then he said: I can commit to just seeing you for now and be exclusive, get off dating sites and what not but I don’t want a relationship with anyone right now, not while things are on the right track for me.
I don’t know what to say or do. I am so scared, hurt, not sure if I can trust him? How can you love someone and not want a relationship with them? Deep inside i know he’s not going anywhere and he probably knows i’m not going to find someone else either anytime soon. But I don’t know if I should accept that proposal and see where things go, or demand a relationship and walk away again. We haven’t been on any dates or anything (just for coffee to talk about what we wanted). We haven’t slept together or anything like that, and i told him i wouldn’t for a while, but i’m afraid of being played or just an option for him and that it won’t last and we’ll just get hurt and break up again. I pushed for a relationship / marriage and the whole thing before and i’m not sure why, maybe to know he’s not going anywhere and that he’s invested? but I panic hearing i don’t want a relationship right now. Help! How do we move forward?