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Hi Sarah,
I’m so glad I’ve been able to help.
You are so right about friends who weigh you down with their demands. They are really quite selfish friends, aren’t they?
Well done to you for standing your ground. You need to establish some boundaries of your own here. When friendships cross the line and become one sided, with more give on your side, and more take on their side, then you need to point it out and stand up for yourself.
Like you said, real friends, even when you call them out on something, will consider your views and remain your friends.
Yes, to grow and learn you need to be open to constructive criticism of yourself and act upon it.
While I was a young adult, I chose to be single and my friends were #1. Now, that I’ve found someone whose wonderful and I see a future with, my friends aren’t my top priority.
And that is exactly the right order for you, for now. Just keep your ‘real’ friends close and treasure them just the same as you always have. We all need friends as well as, not instead of, that wonderful someone special in our lives. 🙂
Jay x