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Hi Nanda, really sorry to read your story, it is terrible when the people who should support you the most are in fact the total opposite, looking to sabotage your success at improving yourself, at escaping. It never fails to amaze me what families will do when you threaten their choices by showing them a different way.
I know you are in a tough spot right now but congratulate yourself on retaining that sense of identity that tells you things can be different, will be different. Even without money, without a job, depending on what country you live in there are support systems and ways to be able to break free from this sooner than later. Reach out for help from every such source available. If it is literally impossible to move out now, work on turning those plans into small, concrete steps that each day take you closer – is it possible to return to your favourite college to complete your degree? What is stopping you from that, can you retake the class with a different professor? In the meantime, what are you doing to get out of the house each day, away from this toxic family environment? If not a paying job, have you looked into volunteering whilst job-searching? Are there are part-time jobs. Etc, anything that helps create a sense of moving forwards, of stepping towards your freedom will help with enduring your current situation. Well done on reaching out on this forum – it means you still have the desire to want different, hang on to it, it’s easy to lose it when bogged down by those around you.