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Anita. What would have if I contract Herpes,,, she would never leave me no matter how much we would of argued, we weren’t arguing them even before this talk,, maybe little tif’s nothing serious? the houses in CA,, some were great a puta few $$ down payment but withdrew,  why,,my girlfriend has a retarded dtr living with her,, and goes t a program school here,,, out in CA the school was 30 miles one way and in LA traffic it would be 3 to 3.5 hours on the road everyday, I kept on telling her find the school first then house would folllow,  never did.    her cousin has the same program but didn’t contact her for various reasons, again i pulled out,,, finally i said we will fly out.   we did found a house put a deposit,, sent in the downpayment,, on the way home I took the heart attack. now i didn’t pull out i need more time from the broker  I wanted to see what the cardiologist said,  I told her to go ahead with the plans.  the money wasn’t an issue,   she said no.     I just wanted to be sure that she wouldn’t be wasting here time in traffic all day. i guess i worry too much,,,,

now VD day we had go out,for dinner,,, pic of a house and deed in CA, and diamond in the pocket,, we were driving to the restaurant and I was excited to show her the house,,(all i said was I saw a great house to live in,, and that one it all started,  the fight just escalated to no end

she said she didn’t love me,, she wanted me out of her life, and get out of her house,,, so I did,,, she wouldn’t return phone calls text messages or emails,  now her brother called me saying he knows she is going thru a hard time with the dtr that is retarded and I wasn’t helping.  he said to back off and just leave her alone, How long?  he said months maybe.

Now here I am, a house in CA. and diamond, and living in a motel, I thought this would blow over  but its not,,