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It happened earlier in the morning. I was trying to clean up the house because my mother is convinced that she has a stomach bug. Long story short, I had put my phone on top of the fruit plate so that I could wipe up the table. She didn’t like that. And when I wanted to clean up the stove, she repeated herself by saying that I had to use the bleached paper towels. What really got me was when I was trying to do the dishes, and she honest to God just overwhelmed me. I could understand that from my stepdad. By the way, they got married a couple of years ago. But her? She has been a very different person for a long time and I’m just now seeing that.
If you’re comfortable with answering my question, is your family this way? If not, I’ll happily swap with you. Or live with you. Haha. Funny joke. I also need to remember that there’s a reason why I don’t follow a lot of people online.