
Reply To: Struggling to accept good relationship ending

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Dear Greed4UrLove:

Reads to me that you did everything right in regard to her and the relationship ended through no fault of your own. When she expressed to you that she wasn’t ready for something so serious, you responded by giving her more space. When you did that, she complained that you didn’t care about her. So.. nothing you could have done to make the relationship work.

You’ve been “left stuck trying to resolve the feeling of having lost someone who (you) thought could be ‘the one'”- here is my theory (based on the fact that we all want more of a good feeling): during the time you were with her, you believed from one point on that she is the one. A wonderful, powerful, intoxicating feeling attached itself to this belief.

Fast forward, she broke up with you twice, now in a relationship with someone new, but you still believe that she is the one. What motivates you to  hold on to this belief is the hope of re-experiencing that intoxicating feeling.

What do you think?
