
Reply To: Feeling betrayed

HomeForumsTough TimesFeeling betrayedReply To: Feeling betrayed

Katrine Nielsen

My mothers mother died when she was just 17 and her father was emotional abusive to her. So I’ve never had a rrelationship with him. My grandfather i really liked but he died when I was 15. we (me my sister and my mom) eventually cut ties with my grandmother and only my dad would visit her. That lasted for like 6 months or so, and then my dad came home one day chocked about her behaviour and he cut ties with her as well.

I was in therapy when I was around 23 I think, after having a breakdown from stress at the age of 20 after my aprentenship had ended. We talked about my childhood and everything concret to work with apart from try meditation. I needed help figuring out what i was doing wrong, like you were emotionally abandoned, this is how your reacting and this is what will help you healing those wounds. It felt good talking about it, having someone to listen to me, but there weren’t any guidlines as to how to deal with it. I guess that’s why I’ve always felt as there’s a puzzle piece missing, I didn’t know I was emotional abandoned and so I couldn’t heal it.