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So anyone who challenges your thinking must disagrees with it
no, though why challenge such thinking ? what would be the point?
all or nothing
i admit i do have this type of thinking
and disagreeing is a normie to be dismissed?
actually yes, cause im tired of not being understood, unfair, but i really don’t care anymore
If you are certain in your reasonings why reach out?
i can never be certain of anything, although reaching out is more about being accepted and understood
Why the need to find someone exactly like minded?
cause i won’t feel so alone, plus i will feel accepted and understood, i created the definition of norime for this and other reasons, i believe (and this believe is based on much evidence) that a norime can’t accept or understand me, so i simply dismiss such people, to not be hurt
If the past can’t exist in the now, why should it influence the present, why not choose your present as you will?
cause the past really makes the present, doesn’t it? sadly
Only the inner experience of the moment was different.
though the inner experience is based on how you was built, my understanding of freewill doesn’t relay much on Science, but my own flawed understanding, with the help of some people online
yet their is space between that fate allows us to play with. Why not play?
this space is highly influence by past and genes, i do think believing ones can do anything is good, because then there is no stopping to his action, but if we ask where does these action come from, if we simply ask enough why to our action, we would end up in the same rabbit hole, genes and childhood, tell me one action without a cause, i tell you its free, as soon as there is a cause to an action, it simply can’t be free, UNLESS you say there is a self, that chose such action, and not just combination of genes and childhood, thoughts and beliefs and desires, i asked you a simple question, if you really do have freewill, can you say NO to life? not only saying no, but having the same attitude and beliefs as someone saying no, its a hypothetical question i know, but tell me what do you have to do to end up saying No? cause you really can’t, you simply say yes, lucky i would say
Fate and choice existing in the same moment?
i actually don’t believe in fate, i only mention it to add more poetry to my words lol, its a bad habit i know, choice definitely exist, the future is open really, you can be anything, only if you have such desire, if i tell you why would you chose YES instead of NO, your answer would be something logical, but really your answer would be affected by your past experience and how you lived, how you thought, a simple example is Schopenhauer, do you really think he would have said what he said, if he didn’t had such past? his own mother hating him, almost hate people and only likes a couple of things in life? even he doesn’t believe in freewill (just saying\ this isn’t an appeal to authority :P), i don’t claim to have the truth, only the truth i see, and its very much affected by my past and life
In the space between stimulus and response we filter the present moment though the filters of our fears, hopes, expectations desire… almost all of which are based on memory of the past and memory is a trickster.
a simple question would be, why some people choses this over this ? what made them choses such thing ? to say NO? and really is that something they control ? (i believe that everything has a reason, every human action, must come from somewhere, it simply can’t be without one, unless again there is self that can chose such action, even then you can’t prove that such self isn’t affected by the past and genes, even if you say soul) i guess why we disagreeing because we define freewill differently, for me its simply an action without an uncontrollable cause, give me one action that you are very sure of its cause that is controllable and i shall agree with you, although i don’t think i will change my mind even being wrong, sadly thats the truth