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Hello Francis,
It’s a really bad idea to compare yourself to other people, even siblings. You work, you go home and nothing, nothing but a husband and two dogs. Most dogs who are looked after love their owners unconditionally. Do you walk them? Do you play with them? Do you stroke them? Do you interact with other dog owners? What about your husband – does he know how you feel? Do you have communication? Why are you anxious? Most things we worry about, don’t happen. You are worrying that you may be left alone in your old age. You might be, you might not. It’s 50/50.
The real problem you need to address here is your anxiety. It could be a simple matter of learning to breathe correctly. You only need to take three good deep breaths to begin the calming process. This is a very small step to take which can have major positive health benefits. You say you go home to nothing – do you eat nutritious food, do you have a comfortable chair or sofa to sit on, is your home full of things you love? If the answer to these questions is ‘no’ then begin doing something about that. Commence Project Francis. Turn that ‘nothing’ into ‘something’. Give thanks for all the things you do have in your life.
The only person who can make the changes is you. Reclaim your power. Do it now!
Best Wishes