
Reply To: I need to write this pain away- ex hang ups

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Dear sossi:

“I can’t seem to find definition to what I want and who I am. I’m just resigned to the fact that I’m much more messed up than I ever thought! I think the lack of clarity leads and manifests into physical problems too… I feel generally very tired all the time.. My mind is the big wheel and my body limps along behind.. obsessing”-

– Obsessing is very tiring. The big wheel is currently located in your brain where it keeps turning and turning thoughts that exhaust you. There is a way to bring that big wheel down from your brain to the rest of your body (arms, legs, torso), and there, the big wheel will can gently turn your muscles into postures and gentle movements (gentle yoga, Tai Chi), and while your focus is on your arms, legs and torso, your brain will get the rest/ holiday that it so desperately needs.
