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You did not let us down. You are a human being struggling with suicidal desires and needing help. You need a support system and those who love you to come around you with compassion not judgment. That they abandoned you is awful. I will not abandon you.
I’m here for you. Please vent, let out whatever you need about this situation. You are allowed to hurt and feel pain. I’m sorry you felt you had to take your life in order to find healing.
I have been praying for you and have been so worried since you stopped replying. Part of me wondered if that meant something bad. BUT I’m so thankful you are still alive.
If you plan to attempt again or say you will, I have to report that so please choose your words carefully. Suicidal ideation is one thing. Plan to attempt is another. Please let me know when it crosses that line.
You are sick, not bad. You have mental health issues. You need compassion and care. I have great empathy for you. I want you to be okay.
If others left you, then they were never for you. Remember that. You did your best to tell us and others about your problems though I wish you had told someone you were going to commit suicide. Please tell someone when you feel that way, I am urging you.
I’m sorry your insurance doesn’t cover it.
This is hard. I know it is hard. But you’re not alone. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
You hit rock bottom. That was your rock bottom. Maybe now things can turn around. I’m so glad you are alive and that the suicide attempt didn’t work. That was a blessing. You might have lost a lot but you did not lose your life. You have a second chance to get this right. I am rooting for you.
What do you need? How can I help you?