
Reply To: Feeling Untethered

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this is you thinking he is a puppy at that time, after the breakup: still sharing your feelings with him, imagining that he cares or would care. If you saw him truly as he is after the breakup, you wouldn’t have shared with him how you truly felt.

This was me grasping at straws. I was so broken I literally grabbed onto anything. Despite it all, letting it out made it less painful and it got me to see that he really doesn’t care. I started understanding that I was really wasting my time and so I started letting go of the hope that he will ever care.

I am no longer sharing my feelings with him. I have been sharing them online. he doesn’t care enough to understand or care enough to try and make amends. it’s almost a year and I survived.

I have shifted my focus. Once in a while, I will remember him but just like my first ex, I will become indifferent and forget he ever existed. I will patiently wait for the day when he doesn’t affect me in any way.

Last night I made myself a goal. I will no longer speak of him on this forum or to anyone again.

I have said enough. I have vented enough. I will be fine, I have already gone past the hard part.

