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The stillness allows the mind to drop off. Staying aware, we can experience the source of the life force or the truth of ones nature. When one thinks, the person is caught up in this mind, in this ego. And so we have this constant monologue. Sitting still, I become well aware of my mind, my ego talking, thinking, … sometimes inspiration comes and many good thoughts flow in. I get caught up in them. Lost in thoughts. More practice and the peacefulness grows. Practice allows the moments between thoughts become longer. The depth of the stillness …
Maybe you have heard of Koans. A famous one is “What is the sound of one hand clap?” The purpose of the Koan is not to get an answer to the question. But, to allow the mind to focus and thus allow concentration to become one pointed. It becomes like a ball of wax exploding from a blast of heat. For some this results in the opening of the mind’s eye. Insight into Nirvana. Kensho. But, it is not an easy thing to do.
How can stillness and concentration result in this thing called enlightenment? I do not know. There are many methods, meditations. And some produce great results and others don’t. It may be because of the person or personality? I just do not know. You probably know more than I do about the Dharma and enlightenment. Well, wishing you a good practice.