
Reply To: I need Help…Again!

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I’ll try to clear the post from extra print:

Dear Ik09:

I didn’t have much time to read through much of your communication which includes many very long posts. So I’ll start with the very first post that I addressed to you (regarding an ex long-distance boyfriend) and jump straight ahead to the last post that you addressed to me (regarding your most recent, mostly long-distance boyfriend):

May 9, 2018: anita: “While in a long distance relationship with you, he asked you to write a poem about a beautiful smile. You did as he asked. When you asked why he wanted this poem he told you that he needed it so to pursue another woman. This is cruel behavior on his part, don’t you think? Your response: “I was hurt but I did not say anything then… Shocked at all levels, I did not say anything”.

July 19, 2022, Iko9: “There was radio silence for 1 year and then boom he was everywhere and suddenly he wanted to be a part of my life. Long story short… After trying extremely hard for about 3 months, he convinced me that he loved me very much and that we should be married… There was radio silence from him again… The next day he tells me he cheated on me the night before…Also told me that he willingly did it because he wanted to and that he stopped feeling attracted to me”- this is cruel behavior on his part, don’t you think?

How did you respond to his cruel behavior?: “But I am okay… I am so used to his behaviour now that I don’t feel hurt… I will be okay”.

How is it that you don’t get angry when a man is cruel to you, Ik09 (or do you?)
