
Reply To: Falling out of love

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Hi Anita,

I was the old member, on and off I read people’s stories here. For this account managed i recovered it.

I was wondering: on Nov 1 I suggested that you apologize to your girlfriend for having used her for the duration of two years to fill a void in you, following the breakup of a 4-year previous relationship,  and that (following the ending of the relationship with her) you pay for her to attend individual therapy, so that she can get professional help dealing with having been used this way.

In your answer, you wrote: “It’s a good suggestion from your end. Having relationship therapy together“- is it that you didn’t pay attention to my suggestion because of your ADHD?

I will talk to her prior I get myself fixed. I know time is ticking, I will try not to prolong this. Someday in the future I will update here 🙂

Hi Roberta

I am guessing that your are in your 20’s/30’s.

I agree with Anita about offering to pay for your soon to be ex girlfriends counselling if she wants it.

Then take at least a year out to do some deep work on healing yourself. A fictional book called The Celestian Prophecies gave me insight on relationships and help set me on my path of buddhist enquiry into the human condition.  I have had quite a few relationships, but I can honestly say that I am still on good terms with all off them who are still living bar one.

Act with kindness, integrity compassion &and wisdom then  when you look back over your life in years to come you will have few regrets.

Thanks for suggesting me the meaningful book. You’re right, this healing won’t complete just overnight.  

Hi Tee

I am sorry you’re feeling bad 🙁

After a lot of reading, I finally found myself diagnosed with adult ADHD.

Have you been evaluated by a professional? You did say you would go get a professional evaluation, but I am still asking because it’s not clear from your sentence.

I don’t know much about adult ADHD, but they say it’s highly treatable. Do you have a treatment plan?

Please share whatever you feel like, whatever you’re struggling with. I hope that with a proper treatment and a proper attitude, you will get better!

It’s funny to finally find my inner self, the inner child – Adult ADHD. The pattern, the vicious cycle, those past relationship problems, all can be identical. There is quite abundant info about Adult ADHD out there, you can check out how people suffer from Adult ADHD suffers in relationship.  Regardless, I will have to fixed myself first. This is the cause and effect scenario where one doesn’t know what he is doing but trapped in the endless vicious cycle. Once root cause identified, is easier to resolve it, and the more I understand myself, the more I can take extra care to myself.

Have a nice day ahead everyone!