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I think Lao Tzu would agree.

Thirty spokes converge upon a single hub,
It is on the hole in the center that the use of the cart hinges.
We make a vessel from a lump of clay;
It is the empty space within the vessel that makes its useful.
We make the doors and windows for a room;
But it is these empty spaces that make the room livable.
Thus while the tangible has advantages,
It is the intangible that makes it useful.”  Lao Tzu

Here’s a 4000 year old riddle which may have stated a few people drinking. 🙂
“Heaven above, heaven below;
Stars above, stars below.
All that is over, under shall show.
Happy who the riddle reads!” – The Hermetic Emerald Tablet

I was watching the NASA channel where one of the astronauts returning from moon was looking out the window that one moment showed the earth the next the moon the next the sun. And in that moment for him the opposites dissolved into the All or One and the he was not separate from the One.

From that perspective what is up, what is down, what is in what is out, what is west, what is east, what is good, what is bad, what is birth, what is death, what is a beginning and what is a end?

Thought experiment.

How do we measure the present moment?
Stop time and project yourself out in to space as you watch the earth recedes. 8 billion consciousness experienced the same moment in a multitude of experiences. Continue on this journey past the galaxies and universes and you arrive at the big bang. The Present moment is bigger then big, the eternal ‘Now’ includes the big bang!  As you look within this big bang you notice a drop that is also the All, sitting quietly in a room performing a thought experiment. The present moment smaller then small.

LOL no drugs required.