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Dear Anita,
“If he says that you don’t owe him, regardless of the dishonesty in his claim, then forget it, you don’t owe him any money. More later.”
-I understand and agree. My initial instinct is to wait till a couple weeks since he is out of town, then simultaneously ask him that while asking to come get some of the things that were not thrown away. I didn’t want to be accused of only caring about my things and not him, so I didn’t bring it up when I saw him but he did mention having my ski gear that I might as well go get. There was a painting I left there that I really liked, 3 koi fish swimming in a circle. That was the only thing I asked him about and he literally said “yea I knew you would want that so it is one of the things I threw out” Anger emoji! how rude. His desire to make me feel badly is outside the relationship the same way it was inside of it.
trying not to be upset about her koi, Seaturtle
*I must make another better one 🙂