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I do not understand the reason for this separation?? Why are you taking this break from each other? Are you angry with each other? Has one person done something to the other? Was there cheating? Or is it just issues that keep coming up which hurt each other?
This seems all to familiar. Like banging heads against the wall. As a kid I did this, bang my head against the wall. Why? Because it felt good when I stopped. Yeah, not a smart kid. Learnt that at an early age. Anyway, you have a relationship. There was love there once and now it’s gone? Have the feelings changed so much that there has to be this split to be able to reconcile your differences?
Personally, I hope you two reconcile and live happily ever after. But, we all know that living with another person will have its ups and downs. It will have its joys and sorrows. But, we do it together. That is the bond we should have. Please call her. talk with her. Ask what is going on between you two. How did you end up in this situation? Nothing gets reconciled by not talking. Silence only creates distance.
Dear Clara,
I hope this post finds you well. Healthy, happy and safe. I wish nothing but the best for you. Nothing gets better from being apart unless there is really true love. Hungry love. Young love. Like the saying goes, Absence makes the heart grow fonder. And hopefully if you care more then it will prompt you to change so you can enjoy the happiness. If one is not happy with themselves then how can one be happy with another person? One can not depend on another to make them happy. You must be happy with you first then another person will add to your life. Otherwise all we find is disappointment. My advice is to find happiness within yourself so you can share this with the people in your life. Best wishes and much love for you in the future.
PS, Good luck with whatever happens or whatever you decide to do.