
Reply To: Boyfriend's female friend situation

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Big blue

Hi Jane,

You certainly have been stressed about this, and you have some good advice already.

Her view: I’ve been close to needing a place to stay myself. If I were there I would be sure to leave at times so you and your bf could have alone time. And I’d say to you both how much I appreciate the helping hand. Maybe take you both to dinner or treat you two without me.

His view: I have women friends who I would let stay at my place to help them and not be attracted to them. Yes I know this is where Inky says “in theory,” but I could do it for sure especially having a gf. I would focus on you like always. Based on your blow up, I’d be wondering about your communication skills and would be irked that you think I would cheat on you or leave you.

Your view: I can see why you are bothered, but blowing up was not so good. I would be talking with him but also going about our lives as much as possible. I know – easier said then done when emotional. Why am I emotional..?

What is their chemistry like? No flirting right? They really are just friends? Look you two were a happy couple before this “teaching opportunity” presented itself. Why should you give up on him based on some big time awkwardness and discomfort? Where is your spirit for the “us” you have had with him? Sometimes people both move away when it would work if they just made the extra effort.

Big blue

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Big blue.