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Thanks Parul
Hi Jordan @Jaigon
Your heart is obviously not in the current role.
Where do you see yourself ? Restart something which takes fancy and excites your inner being and have an awesome next 30-40 years experimenting or worry about wasting the last 7 years and continue the struggle for the next 30-40 years in fear ? Do we actually ever waste any skills in life ? Cant we use the skills we have learnt in some other novel ways ?
It is a rather simple choice but one, which requires courage. Have the courage to change as you see fit. A simple life is the ultimate life as you can go with the natural flow and really live in the moment. Who has seen tomo ? BUT BUT we also need money for our basic survival needs. If you can meet your basic needs, you are free to do anything in this world for as long as you want 🙂 It is your life to live and explore.