I don’t know my love… I agree with Chad… EVERYONE I know who is young and fresh out of college, working crappy jobs because of the recession, is just longing for College back. Working a repetitive job is not fun; and isn’t going to teach you much about life at all, I am sorry to say.
Also, I know that your problems sadly follow you everywhere; so the external circumstance is not going to matter much at all…
Are you getting help for your suffering <3? I personally have found meditation and exercise to be a massive, massive help to my wellbeing; I know it’s not everyone’s thing, but it gives an amazing feeling of happiness :). And actually really helps with clarity – which is what you are seeking!! I can’t recommend it highly enough :). My boyfriend and I often meditate, and problems and qualms we have had earlier that day we just suddenly find an answer to :).
Also I really hope you don’t feel like I am suggesting that these things will cure your depression and anxiety – not at all. I have suffered from both, and know it is definitely not anything you can magic away, it’s really painful. I just really think they will help ease your suffering and help you find a bit of clarity in your situation ^_^ <3.
*hugs* to you!