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Hi Anyone,
From my experience Tina Butterfly is bang on the mark. I think your confusion has arisen because you don’t know that you can trust your feelings? This in itself is a learning process and through discernment of your feelings you can find truth. You already have the answer, “should I maintain my stand and integrity?”. I can tell you this, because I’ve learned the hard way enough times, give away your integrity and you will lose you truth, your authenticity, your self-respect, I have found that if one goes they all go. And you put yourself on a downwards spiral of decline.
The thing about life is that we often have to experience it ourselves to KNOW. We have to do the thing that is wrong for us to know with unquestionable certainty which decision serves us, and this is how we gain wisdom that we can use for other decisions too. So, I’m not going to say that you should or should not do either action. I’ve said from my experience what it will lead to, but you may still have some doubts in your mind, some “what if both me and the lady above are wrong” in your head, and you may then go against our advice and find out for yourself.
I think Tina’s advice of seeing him but asserting a strong boundary of what you want and not giving into his own desires will serve you well. If you hold true to yourself, which is very difficult at times, you will sort the wheat from the chaff (find out what this guy is really made of), raise your self-respect and incidentally benefit others along the way.
All the best,