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Hi incurigirl42,
Thanks for your words 🙂 Well, if you have actions forget the words honey. It sounds like your bf is doing all the right stuff. Focus on that. the first 3-6 months of any new relationship we are getting to know each other and there are many insecurities flying about. you know when you are acting up and you know when something’s not quite right. I know you can tell the difference. It sounds like in your case – you’ve discovered it was about you. I did something similar w my last bf – he was doing everything right (including the calling and seeing me EVERY day – super sweet…) and I was still falling apart (behind his back of course) when I didn’t hear from him for 6 hours bc I liked him soooo much! Anways, I got over it 🙂 it gets better. Just don’t “question” him – makes you look insecure. Be confident he is with you and doing all the right things! And remember, its normal to be insecure in the beg when you like someone so much! Normal normal normal! Just bounce it off your gf’s and let the story develop. If you are happy w him- then that’s all that counts 🙂

People get busy (specially w 8 hr difference!) so you get busy….you will hear from him sooner than later and it will be all that sweeter. And don’t be so hard on yourself.

I am upset w my dude bc I have “tried” to get him on the phone 2 in the last 5 days and that is just plain weird that he can’t “talk” he needs to text me back bla bla bla…its just not normal for someone who has said all the things he has said to me and quite frankly – my feelings have changed. I just don’t feel good. It feels like I am grasping for attention – and this is where I draw the line…and I am not a needy chick…so this feels odd and weird. There’s no real “connection” it feels. It all seems watered down and like “morsels” of attention to me…

He knows has to call- he has done it before – he knows how to stay in touch – he has done it before. Something’s awry w the fella.

yeah he knows what to do. Of course he knows what to do. I have seen him do it. “hey babe, just want to say hi.” to…hardly no contact in five days? And me calling him 2 and him just sending back txt messages bc he is “sick” or “working”…

Hmmmm….I honestly dont think he is seeing anyone else – that’s not the vibe I’m getting. But there is a general lack of concern (and other things that have happened that I wont list here that just show a big lack of apathy on his part…like he is clueless)

Example – don’t “not call me” for 5 days and tell me you miss me. and still not call me. again. on day 6. But shoot me a text message to tell me you “miss me”- Please.

He is weird! weird weird! I’m not digging it.