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Hi Eevee,
There’s a couple things going on here that weren’t said above.
One is that we seldom stick with the BFs we make in college. B was a little immature in waiting as a wingman in case the relationship with A went wrong. By returning his gift you in essence called his bluff that he wanted a relationship and not just a friendship and then he got angry. Also, if he was so into you why didn’t he try contacting you himself in the past three years? He seems very passive to me.
The other thing is that you mentioned that if you left C he would become even more depressed or suicidal. OK that is emotional blackmail, even if you’re doing it to yourself. And since you’re fantasizing about B means that you’re not as into C as you think.
I say your best bet is to give up on A, B, and C and start over. It’s time to enter into healthy relationships with mature men.
Good Luck!