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Adam P

People can fool you Abishek and you know what, you may NEVER EVER get a clear answer from her.

Certainly people that feel the need to surround themselves around others put on “two faces”. The mask they wear out in public is used as a disguise so that they can suck or absorb other people’s energy and emotions to make themselves feel better about themselves. In most cases, these emotionally unavailable individuals would rather die than expose their flaws and insecurities to even just one person. Just as Anita mentioned, there are thousands of people walking around “hurt” and it’s not your job to heal them. Don’t worry, even after you stop talking to her and she may find someone else new that new person will experience the same results. Emotionally unavailable individuals live a vicious cycle where they repeat the same actions over and over and over again. It’s only up to them if they want to change. The important thing is that you yourself change. By all means continue to be the same caring and compassionate person, but stop giving out so many chances. 2nd chances I firmly believe in and have given them to people, but with your situation the chances are done. Consider this a great life lesson and in the future if you don’t receive a clear concise answer from the next woman and hear some of those common excuses, just don’t bother and turn your attention away.
It’s nice to hear that you have been doing some research online about emotional unavailability and we don’t know what happens behind closed doors so it can be something deeper emotionally (BPD, Bipolar, etc.) One way to help your healing would be any kind of meditation/ and or prayer for these individuals. It certainly has helped me. Individuals that suffer from emotional pain can spend their whole lives figuring out who they are.

Stay strong