
Reply To: Insecurity and feeling vulnerable

HomeForumsRelationshipsInsecurity and feeling vulnerableReply To: Insecurity and feeling vulnerable


Insecure, helpless, and weak are all crappy, put them together and it’s not an enjoyable state of mind.
Expressing feelings doesn’t sound like a huge step. The pressure you are feeling will cease as soon as you find out about her husband and the 65 pounds she gained after her sex change operation. Not really…but what are you afraid of? Worst case scenario?
She stalks your life, hurts you for pleasure, ruins your life and your faith in humanity? Rarely happens, but you can’t rule anything out.

Yep, I agree that you need to flip a switch and get back to zen. Good luck doing that online. These people love fear. Control freaks will use your fear to control you. I’d keep hunting for that complete person that isn’t advertising signs of neediness. Maybe humans do need one another but if you start seeking out the needy women to go all Jerry Maguire with, you are sure to land a fruit loop. Just my opinion.


Maybe you don’t have a happily ever after in your future because you are on the edge of your seat ready for the inevitable devastation.
You mention that when a person gets to calm it’s never permanent – do you relish in the constant fear and anxiety of life or is that just my misguided assumption based on your fear inducing posts? Either way, if you were in my home, I would be a chain smoker with a xanax addiction. I hope you are coping well and watching what YOU are eating. Don’t obsess about your weight, needy men mike like a little more padding.
