
Reply To: How to start over – when there's no such thing

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I wanted to thank everyone so much for your kind words to my post (I changed my screen name, so I apologize for any confusion) Every post helped me in leaps and bounds and made me feel better about my situation (even yours ramandeep singh)

9lives- Thank you for reminding me that changing career paths isn’t so much out of the ordinary and also reminding me that I do need to pat myself on the back for deciding to make this change. I spend way too much time beating myself up and not enough time giving myself credit for the things I have accomplished. Since reading your post I have actually come up with a couple people I know who have or currently work in HR that I can reach out and talk to in the next few days.

Indiglo- I did have this doomsday idea in my head of what would happen if I didn’t find a new job soon, but oddly enough, reading “what’s the worst that can happen?” in your response made me realize that what my anxiety driven imagination of what worst case would be is totally different to what really would be worst case scenario (which in my opinion, would be for me to go back to school before getting a new job in order to get my foot in the door) I also looked up the book you suggested; “Felling Good” and ordered it. I hope it’s as an amazing read like all the people who rated it say it is. And I am currently looking for a therapist who is willing to work with someone without insurance and your suggestion to look for someone who specializes in CBT has given me direction in my search.

StraightNoChaser- I actually read your post before I wrote mine and seeing the kind response you received inspired me to speak about my own bumps in the road. I did look up some training programs and want to get more information before putting out the money for it, but if your friend can do it, why can’t i? I wanted to comment about your post too, but I will do that on your post. Just remember, just like how you told me that it will be okay and I will get through this, the same can be said for you.

Thank you again everyone! You all made a sad young man smile and if any updates happen, I will keep you posted 🙂