
Posts tagged with “graduation”

Inspiring Graduation Speech from a Sixth Grade Boy with Autism

In his sixth grade graduation speech, Eli Rosenberg shares what he’s learned about overcoming obstacles and making a difference, and offers a challenge that every one of us can meet. What a beautiful and inspiring message!

Finding Direction When You’re Not Sure Which Choice Is “Right”

“Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places.” ~Unknown

Like so many others, I am a recent college graduate who is still living at my parents’ house and working my minimum wage high school job as I scour the web for opportunities and get one rejection email after another.

However, I don’t know how many others I can speak for when I say that I didn’t see this coming.

I graduated with a nursing degree and heard from more than a few people in the field that there was a shortage and jobs were plentiful. I had no …